‘Inside and Against’: a proposal for the tactical exploration of ambivalence and contradiction in videogames

Commercial Practices

LocationUniversity of the Arts Bremen
  • Lídia Pereira
  • Affiliated research project
  • Storming the Gamergate

  • Talk given in the context of the “Becoming Entangled: Practice in Art and Theory” lecture series by PhD candidates from Leiden University and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA).

    In her talk, Lídia Pereira will focus on the beginning stages of her investigation into the specific features of videogames as tactical media: what are the strengths and the potential pitfalls of the medium? What possibilities for creative expression, specifically through a critically engaged lens, are opened by investigating this field from an artistic perspective? Contradictions and ambivalence will be suggested as the raw material for tactical artistic interventions on the medium, in an endeavour to contribute to the growing the field of videogames used as a means for systemic critique.


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