You can find the activities connected to the research projects and areas here.
We also publish our news here.














Research In Perspective with reinaart vanhoe @ Garage Rotterdam

04/23/2025 // 12:30 // Garage Rotterdam, Goudsewagenstraat 27 3011 RH Rotterdam

autonomous-practices and research-station

Autonomous Practices

2 April: Book launch Hands On Research @ Het Nieuwe Instituut

04/02/2025 // 16:00 // 


Research Station

Double Feature Artist talks: 2 visiting Professor from Concordia University

Image: Pippin Barr

03/19/2025 // 17:30 // Research Station

news, public-events, and lectures

Research Station

New publication: Utterances: Composing a Care-Informed Research Practice in the Cracks 

Announcing the launch of two books at Kiosk Rotterdam on Friday, May 17th, 2024, 19.00. Plus: dedicated workshop on Sunday 19th, at Kiosk.

05/17/2024 // 19:00 // Kiosk Rotterdam

news, public-events, and workshops

Social Practices

How to Continue Self-Organization – prep workshops

A series of workshops in preparation of the 25th April symposium How to continue self-organization?, for WdKA students and teachers.

04/17/2024 // 10:30 // WdKA

workshops and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Traces Of Power- Talk – 07.03.24

03/07/2024 // 16:00 // de Willem” (Wijnhaven 61, 1st floor)


Autonomous Practices

Counter-Mapping Autonomy workshop #2 – 29-02-2024

The second edition of the Counter-Mapping Autonomy workshop, guided by Argentinian collective Iconoclasistas, takes place on the 29th of February from 14h-18hrs, at WH.03.306, WdKA.

02/29/2024 // 14:00 // WH.03.306, WdKA


Autonomous Practices

Talk and Screening – with Dora Garcia -06-12-2023

A screening and Q&A with filmmaker Dora Garcia in the Cinema viewing room. at 17:00 on 6 December.

The Q&A is at 18:45.

12/06/2023 // 17:00 // Willem de Kooning Academy, Blaak 10, Rotterdam, BL.02.7 – Cinema viewing room

public-events and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Book presentation: Lumbung, commons and Community Art – 25-11-2023

This event celebrates the publication ‘Lumbung, Commons & Community Art: a conversation on behind the scenes of documenta fifteen’ with Florian Cramer and Simon Kentgens, and introduces HumDrumPress and its commons-based publishing model and project, to the world.

11/25/2023 // 16:00 // Paviljoen …aan het Water, Brielselaan 157, 3081 AC Rotterdam

public-events, lectures, and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Workshop: How to Counter-map Autonomy and Self-organization -Iconoclasistas & WdKA Autonomy – Lab 16-11-23

On the 16th of November, Research Center WdKA’s Autonomy Lab and Roodkapje carry out a ‘counter-mapping’ workshop, under the guidance of the Argentinian researcher/designer/activist duo, Iconoclasistas. Iconoclasistas are participating via teleconferencing. Participation is free and open to anyone.

11/16/2023 // 12:00 // Roodkapje

news, public-events, and workshops

Autonomous Practices

Research Community Uitnodiging bijeenkomst -14-11-23

Op dinsdag 14 november van 13.00 tot 14.30 uur nemen we Open Access onder de loep samen met drie interessante sprekers. Meld je nog snel aan via onderstaande link! Heb je vragen over of suggesties voor de Research Community, mail dan naar

11/14/2023 // 13:00 // TBA – mail

news and public-events

Commercial Practices

Reassemble Lab 5: Practising Permacomputing 13-10-23 – 02-12-23

The Research Center is pleased to take part in the programme Reassemble Lab 5: Practising Permacomputing, taking place through October to the 2nd December, 2023, in Amsterdam. This programme will constitute a series of Workshop Series & Lectures.

10/13/2023 // 10:00 // FIBER Tolhuisweg 2 1031 CL Amsterdam (NL)

public-events, workshops, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

An/Other Frameworks @ REBOOT (Nieuwe Instituut)

The opening day of the REBOOT exhibition on 7 October 2023 at Nieuwe Instituut examined the value of looking to the past in digital culture for future generations, taking a closer look at the themes of the exhibition, and taking stock of urgent issues facing digital makers and artists today.

10/07/2023 // 16:30 // De Nieuwe Instituut

news and public-events

Commercial Practices


07/14/2023 // 10:00 // RASL Spaces, Hillevliet 90, Rotterdam.



Maike Hemmers – Autonomy Lab Workshop – 26-5-23

Maike Hemmers presented two projects, the publication “No Kitchen Ever Belongs to Me” and an installation at Kunstinstituut Melly, within the research project Autonomy Lab and the Autonomous Practices study curriculum

05/26/2023 //  // WdKA

news, workshops, and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Timoteus Anggawan Kusno – Autonomy Lab Workshop 25-5-2023

Timoteus Anggawan Kusno gave a workshop with Autonomous Practices students and tutor, Yunjoo Kwak.

05/25/2023 //  // WdKA

workshops and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Karl Moubarak – Autonomy Lab Workshop – 23-5-23

Karl Moubarak works with art, culture, and software and computers. He rarely works alone, but rather in groups, networks and collaborations. These include the Office of Queer Affairs, Cell for Digital Discomfort and Hackers & Designers.

05/23/2023 //  // WdKA

news, workshops, and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

KAJET Journal – Autonomy Lab Workshop 15-5-23

The workshop was given by KAJET Journal’s editors and publishers, Petrică Mogoș and Laura Naum to WdKA Autonomous Practices students, with their tutor Raluca Croitoru.

05/15/2023 //  // WdKA

news, workshops, and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Judith Westerveld – Autonomy Lab Workshop 11-5-23

A workshop given by Judith Westerveld to WdKA Autonomous Practices students, with their teacher Yunjoo Kwak.

05/11/2023 //  // WdKA

workshops and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Pick & Mix ETHO conference

02/22/2023 //  // London, Royal College of Art

public-events, commercial-practices, and living-stations

Commercial Practices

Living Stations

THIS THURSDAY! (January 25 – 27, 2023) Making (in) the Unforeseen Research Festival⁠

01/26/2023 // 09:30 // Willem de Kooning Academy, Wijnhaven 61


Research Station

On Permacomputing Aesthetics at Iterations

12/09/2022 // 15:00 // Vogelfrei, Utrecht

lectures and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Virtual design at Playground | Immersive Tech Week

12/02/2022 //  // Rotterdam

public-events and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Virtual Fashion & Virtual Bodies

12/02/2022 // 14:30 // Jurriaanse Zaal

lectures and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Read & Repair – Dissecting the Game with NDNMK Solutions and Lídia Pereira

11/26/2022 // 11:00 // Varia


Commercial Practices

Presentation NoP + What Remains at SWPS

11/25/2022 // 09:00 // Warsaw, Poland

lectures and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

position paper Autonomous Practices

11/24/2022 // 00:00 // Willem de Kooning Academy


Autonomous Practices

From Commons to NFTs

11/12/2022 // 15:00 // Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, Slovenia

news, public-events, lectures, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Permacomputing introduction at ZineCamp

11/06/2022 // 15:30 // WORM

public-events, lectures, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

RPZ: Role-Playing Zines

11/05/2022 // 14:00 // Zine Camp 2022 @ Worm

workshops and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Uronto Artist Community (Bangladesh)

Uronto Artist Community (Bangladesh), presentation in Autonomy Lab

10/18/2022 // 17:30 // Research Station WdKA

lectures, workshops, and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

Research Station

NoisyLeaks! exhibition

10/07/2022 // 19:00 // ProjektRaum 145


Commercial Practices

Mindless Computations

09/29/2022 //  // Hulstkamp Gebouw, Rotterdam

lectures and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Floppy Disk Fever panel

09/17/2022 // 20:00 // v2_

public-events and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Permacomputing edit-a-thon at Varia

08/20/2022 // 12:00 // Varia

news and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Making Matters Workshop documenta fifteen

07/27/2022 // 12:00 // documenta fifteen, Huebner Areal, Kassel, Germany

public-events, workshops, and autonomous-practices

Autonomous Practices

EASST 2022

07/09/2022 //  // Madrid, Spain

public-events and living-stations

Living Stations

Presentation and interview for the Master of Post-precarity

06/22/2022 //  // Rietveld Academie

seminar and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Permacomputing wiki, Damaged Earth Catalog, and more

06/21/2022 // 00:00 // INTERNET

news and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Developing FIELDLABS

06/15/2022 //  // Rotterdam

workshops and living-stations

Living Stations

Redefining Cultural Entrepreneurship at Are We/We Are

06/09/2022 //  // WdKA

lectures, commercial-practices, and research-station

Commercial Practices

Research Station

How to run a small social networking site with your friends

05/13/2022 // 11:00 // Varia

news, workshops, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Shadow IT / The Politics of Digital Tools in Research and Teaching

04/21/2022 // 15:00 // Lipsius Building, Leiden University

news, public-events, lectures, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

Authorship, attribution et contribution dans les licences libres

04/11/2022 // 17:45 // Sciences Po Paris

news, public-events, seminar, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

XPUB & PNF present: This Box Found You For A Reason — Special Issue #17 launch

03/25/2022 // 18:00 // Page Not Found

news, public-events, workshops, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

ACPA Joint Session 2022: ‘Crisis of the Present’

03/17/2022 // 10:15 // Leiden Universiteit

news, seminar, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices


03/12/2022 //  // Erasmus University College

lectures and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

A Future of Internets

03/10/2022 // 19:00 // A LAB

news, public-events, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

New Approaches to Collecting and Preserving Complex Research-Based Art and Art Projects

03/10/2022 // 08:30 // M+ Museum HK

news, public-events, seminar, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

‘Inside and Against’: a proposal for the tactical exploration of ambivalence and contradiction in videogames

12/16/2021 // 18:00 // University of the Arts Bremen

news, public-events, lectures, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

XPUB & PNF present: I Don’t Know Where We’re Going, But — A Local Network City Quest – Special Issue #14 Launch

04/02/2021 // 12:00 // Page Not Found

news, public-events, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

XPUB & PNF Productive Play: Lecture Series

02/09/2021 // 20:00 // Page Not Found

public-events, lectures, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices

PNF & XPUB The Pinball Issue: Lecture series

02/01/2021 // 20:00 // Page Not Found

news, public-events, lectures, and commercial-practices

Commercial Practices