Mindless Computations

Commercial Practices

LocationHulstkamp Gebouw, Rotterdam
  • Aymeric Mansoux
  • Affiliated research project
  • Permacomputing in the Arts

  • While computer and network technologies have an important place in art and design academies, Aymeric Mansoux is questioning whether or not current educational programmes are equipped to deal with the increasing technical complexity of these objects, as well as their social, political, economic and environmental ramifications. He will contrast this situation with permacomputing, a nascent concept and community of practice, that invites hacker, artists and designers to be more mindful of these new computational wonders, by radically rethinking their relationship and usage of extractive and unsustainable computers and network technology.

    Short presentation for the HR/WdKA day of applied research.


    New Publication: Wor(l)ding: A Harvested Glossary for Social Justice in Arts Education and Beyond 

    Announcing the launch of a new publication by the Social Practices Research Group and Office for Inclusivity (O4I). Launch on 23rd October, 2024 @ Research Station. Willem de Kooning Academy, Wijnhaven 61, 3011 WJ Rotterdam.

    10/23/2024 // 10:00

    Social Practices: Promiscuous Infrastructures and Utterances – Events Update 2024

    An update on public events around the publications Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care and Utterances: Composing a Care-Informed Research Practice in the Cracks.

    10/04/2024 // 09:30

    New publication: Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care

    The title “Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care” is published by the Promiscuous Care Study Group. Title launch on 17th May, 2024 at kiosk, rotterdam

    05/17/2024 // 19:00

    New publication: Utterances: Composing a Care-Informed Research Practice in the Cracks 

    Announcing the launch of two books at Kiosk Rotterdam on Friday, May 17th, 2024, 19.00. Plus: dedicated workshop on Sunday 19th, at Kiosk.

    05/17/2024 // 19:00