New Publication: Wor(l)ding: A Harvested Glossary for Social Justice in Arts Education and Beyond 

Social Practices

LocationResearch Station: Willem de Kooning Academy – Wijnhaven 61 3011 WJ Rotterdam
  • Ali Şahin
  • Kari Robertson
  • Michelle Teran
  • Pablo Lerma
  • Affiliated research project
  • Promiscuous Care Study Group

  • Announcing the launch of A New Publication by the Social Practices Research Group and Office for Inclusivity (O4I). Launch on 23rd October, 2024 @ Research Station. Willem de Kooning Academy, Wijnhaven 61, 3011 WJ Rotterdam.

    Wor(l)ding: A Harvested Glossary for Social Justice in Arts Education and Beyond is a glos­sary of references harvested from discourses of equity, diversity, inclusivity, social justice, and social practices, not only in an arts edu­ cation context, but also as part of broader, systemic urgencies.

    Words are contextualised through a praxis of referencing the many writers, thinkers, artists, and creators who have deeply engaged with, or even coined, the terms in this publi­cation. Multiple interconnected struggles are interwoven through and within the voices that are present in this glossary. This approach acknowledges that we already have all the tools and words we need; the work is not to innovate or invent, but to amplify and connect.

    Wor(l)ding emerges in a time of institutional cultures of austerity, against a global backdrop of rising fascism in the Global North and horrific imperialist, neo­colonial violence (in Congo, Gaza, Sudan, Tigray, and many other places). At moments such as these, it is vital to take stock of where we are, and to share what tools, allies, and words we have.

    The ‘conveners’ of the publication are Michelle Teran, Kari Robertson and Pablo Lerma from the Social Practices Research Group, together with Ali Şahin from the Office for Inclusivity (O4i).  

    Softcover, 90 x 150 mm • 336 pages • Edition of 1000 • ISBN 978-90-83423-12-8
    Co-published with HumdrumPress and Meteoro Editions


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