Dissemblage.Making Multiplicity, not Identities 06.12.2023

Social Practices

LocationWillem de Kooning Academy, Basketball Court W.3.114, Wijnhaven 61, Rotterdam
  • Julia Wilhelm
  • Michelle Teran
  • Affiliated research project
  • Promiscuous Care Study Group

  • With: Gerald Raunig (Zurich University of the Arts), Yusser Salih, Michelle Teran (WdKA), Julia Wilhelm, Christoph Brunner (ESPhil), and Ryan Kopaitich (ESPhil)

    Dissemblage is the second volume in the series Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution by philosopher Gerald Raunig. Processes and practices of dissembling mean to join and disjoin, to relay and resonate. Dissemblage and the practice of dissembling concern the making of relations rather than an undoing. They require care and build on struggles in the interstices of existence. Working in difference and through differential affirmation goes hand in hand with a refusal of and disjointure with capitalism’s demand for being disposable. Care and subsistence rely on and shape specific relational bonds and collective formations before and around the fortress of identity. Throughout the evening we will discuss ecologies and economies of care through readings, short sound pieces, and explorations of collective study and practice.

    The event brings together members of the Promiscuous Care Study Group (Yusser Salih, Michelle Teran, Julia Wilhelm) and the Erasmus School of Philosophy (Christoph Brunner, Ryan Kopaitich) in conversation with our guest Gerald Raunig (Zurich University of the Arts). 


    Gerald Raunig works at the eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies) as one of the editors of the multilingual publishing platform transversal texts, and at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste as professor for philosophy. Some recent and forthcoming publications: DIVIDUUM. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Vol.1, translated by Aileen Derieg, New York/Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press 2016; Dissemblage. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Vol. 2, Minor Compositions 2022; upcoming: Making Multiplicity, Polity Press 2024.

    Christoph Brunner is Assistant Professor for Philosophy of Media and Technology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research concerns the relations between media and their aesthetics, affective politics, and social movements in networked cultures. He takes a particular interest in practices and positions from the Global South and translocal forms of organizing. Most of his work emerges out of collaborations with critical practitioners.

    Ryan Kopaitich is a postdoctoral fellow at Erasmus School of Philosophy with a Ph.D. from the University of Bern, Switzerland specializing in political theory, philosophy of language, and literature. He is also co-founder and co-organizer of the Desire + Capital working group. 

    Yusser Salih is a decolonial feminist writer and designer who seeks to acknowledge and enable the radical potential of intimate relational spaces. Her practice revolves around intimate forms of publishing and the mobilization of alternative knowledge circulation patterns for writing that sits close to the skin. Her central concern: how can we affirm other ways of being/knowing?

    Michelle Teran (born in Canada) is an educator, artist, and researcher. She is a practice-oriented Research Professor in Social Practices at WdKA Research Center, where she heads the Social Practices research program. Her current and ongoing research areas and interests are critical care and regenerative practices, collective grief, feminist, eco-social, and critical pedagogy. She initiated the Promiscuous Care Study Group, an interdepartmental research group that gathers under the aegis of study using individual and collective care practices as sites of inquiry.

    Julia Wilhelm is a cultural worker based in Rotterdam. She is interested in building otherwise infrastructures for coming together, learning with and from each other, and rethinking processes of knowledge creation and circulation. Her projects revolve around intersectional climate justice, ecology, maintenance work, productivity, and the construction of subjectivities. Her affiliations and stewardships include climate justice collective SPIN; embodied research group Cooking Something Up; Nightly Manifesto, a show on WORM Radio; and Reading Rhythms Club, an alternative reading group. She was coordinator for Ultradependent Public School at BAK.

    Michelle Teran, Yusser Salih and Julia Wilhelm’s interventions are part of the Promiscuous Care Study Group. The study group cultivates research around care in the institution, communal responsibility and accountability practices, intimate pedagogies, slow reading practices, hospitality and hosting, soil and contamination, counter-histories, and collective grief.


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