What is the WdKA Research Center?
The WdKA Research Center is the research unit of Willem de Kooning Academy, an art and design school in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (that is part of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences). Its research focuses on ongoing transformations and shifts in arts and design practices in their relations to societal change. We observe, analyze, follow, and immerse ourselves, as practitioners, in these transformations. Through practice-based, artistic research with teachers, students and external partners, we translate our findings into renewed, timely art school curricula.

What kind of research takes place in the Research Center?
The WdKA Research Center provides support in Bachelor, Master and doctoral supervision, offers pedagogical guidance, advises on studies at the 3rd cycle level, doctoral and postdoc research. The WdKA Research Center contributes expertise to working groups and committees in the development of curricula and research projects. 

I would like guidance with my research, does the WdKA Research Center offer such guidance?
The WdKA Research Center provides support in Bachelor, Master and doctoral supervision, offers pedagogical guidance, advises on studies at the 3rd cycle level, doctoral and postdoc research. We offer support through Senior Lecturers and Lectors associated with the WdKA Research Center. 

What is a Lector?
A practice-oriented research professor (equivalent to a reader in the UK higher education system, or a research chair in research-creation in the Canadian higher education system). The Lectors working around WdKA Research Center are Florian Cramer (Autonomous Practices), Aymeric Mansoux (Commercial Practices) and Michelle Teran (Social Practices).

Can I schedule a tutorial with a Senior Lecturer or Lector associated with the WdKA Research Center?
To schedule a tutorial with a Senior Lecturer or Lector, send an email to the person you want to get in contact with. Their email addresses and office hours are listed in their people pages on this website.

How is the WdKA Research Center connected to the Practices within the academy?
Our three research areas (Autonomous, Commercial and Social Practices) directly correspond to the three interfaculty curricula and graduation profiles of WdKA. 

I have research question and would like financial support for it. Do you offer funding?
We have very limited institutional funding, but can apply for external funding from research funding bodies (such as NWO, and SIA in the Netherlands and Erasmus+ EU funding). Most of our projects are enabled by writing applications to national and European funds. Such funding can then translate into time for researching, making, and disseminating with various materialisation such as publications, workshops, conferences, PhD/PD projects, course modules, etc. If you have an idea for a project and a fund you could apply to, contact us!

Where can I find information about the projects the WdKA Research Center does?
You can find information on our projects on this very website. There you will be able to browse summaries of active and past projects.

Where is the WdKA Research Center?
The WdKA Research Center has a physical space in the Research Station, Wijnhaven 61, ground floor and you can reach it via email at wdka.research@hr.nl

I saw publications on your website. How can I order a publication?
Most of our publications are Open Access, with download links being provided on our website. We publish most of a larger publications (such as books) with external arts-oriented publishers such as Onomatopee and Valiz who sell them in bookstores and art book fairs. Information on each publication is available on our website.

Who is the director of the WdKA Research Center? 
Una Henry.

Is the Research Station the same as the WdKA Research Center?
While separate entities, the WdKA Research Center works closely with the Research Station to share knowledge and resources.

Since when does the WdKA Research Center exist?
In its current form of organization, since 2018. WdKA’s research professorships (lectoraten) began in 2002. For more detailed information, see our timeline.

How does the WdKA Research Center relate to Willem de Kooning Academy, Hogeschool Rotterdam, RASL and external partners?

This organizational chart will hopefully help: